Newsletter October 2017
Spring has sprung with ducklings popping up from everywhere . One pair of mallard ducks have a brood
of around fifteen ducklings
Spring has sprung with ducklings popping up from everywhere . One pair of mallard ducks have a brood
of around fifteen ducklings
The kingfishers are in the Estuary again after being away for the summer. This is when they like to spend time in the Estuary Reserve. I counted three of these birds by
the weir with another three nearer the river outlet whilst taking some tourists for a nature tour.
It was April 2012 and Thomas, our famous Waikanae goose produced his first brood with a mate of his own kind after being in a “gay” relationship with Henry the black swan for thirty years.
If you study this photograpwh of a young hawk by Roger Smith you can see the beauty of it’s plumage—Isn’t it a handsome bird! Shows how healthy our Estuary and lagoons are. A credit to the aikanae Estuary Care Group and all those other groups and people who care for our environment.
Around Twelve thousand miles from Kapiti, at Shepshed England, Lucas is telling the story of Sammy the Seal to his two brothers Joshua and Jacob. Dawn, their Nana was asked to read more the next morning.
Twenty-six American university students enjoying our Estuary.
Starting out with a scenic train ride from Wellington, they were picked up by Brent from “Adventure Kapiti” to be taken on a bike ride up the new express-way cycle path,
Black Shags
The large black shags have taken to fishing in the Waimanu lagoons these last few months. At times there will be up to five of these birds fishing together.
Mik testing the draft of his new children’s nature book on his great-grandson “Nico” .{ They are not both sleeping just engrossed. } This book is well under way although it may be a month or two before it’s published!
Shark Eggcase
Have you ever seen a shark eggcase?
Pam Sinclair found this on our local beach and sent a copy to Te Papa where they identified it as coming from a shark! I never thought of sharks having eggs, However that appears to be the case.
A fledging blackbird just out of the nest: alighted on top of the bread and started to squawk with its beak open and prance around flapping and fluttering its wings in a circlea A starling started to feed the hungry chick